
In 2016, our customer Remazel (Italy) granted De Ruiter Staalkabel the project to execute the socketing on a 144mm non-rotating Oceanmax35 steel wire rope.  Below you find an overview of the various steps involved in the successful socketing operation.

Everything under control

  • Picture 1: 144mm Oceanmax35 steel wire rope with welded reeving eye (rope manufactured at manufacturing facility Brunton Shaw)
  • Picture 2: Oceanmax35 steel wire rope pulled through custom-made socket.
  • Picture 3: Steel wire rope brush ready to undergo socketing.
  • Picture 4: Socket pulled in the correct position.
  • Picture 5: Socket and steel wire rope correctly positioned prior to pouring with resin.
  • Picture 6: Correctly finished socketing operation.

At the full satisfaction of Remazel, De Ruiter Staalkabel successfully executed this socketing operation; one of our specialties.

Remazel, Italië

Production, delivery and socketing of non-rotating steel wire rope

Steel wire roop

  • Oceanmax35, 144 mm non-rotating steel wire rope

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