A successful solution starts with providing the right advice. Our experienced engineers look forward to work with you and guide you through your application process. All to ensure the right selection of steel wire rope.
This always aimed at the following criteria: safety, durability, functionality and return on investment. Further, our Global R&D Centre, Usha Martin Italy aims for continuous improvement through product innovations or improvements tailored towards your specific need and application.
De Ruiter Staalkabel has an unrivaled collection of general purpose and high-tech steel wire rope constructions. Based upon years of expertise and carefully selected towards the needs of our customer base, we carry more than 1,500T of steel wire ropes. Consequently, we can assure immediate turn-around of your needs.
Besides our range of traditional steel wire ropes, we also offer an extensive selection of 8-strand, 9-strand, 10-strand and non-rotating steel wire ropes (3mm – 160mm). High-tech crane ropes in non-spin, anchor and mooring lines, specialty wires for the dredging industy, elevator ropes, boom pendants and many more.
In addition to our stock-holding position in The Netherlands, we have the possibility to transfer wire ropes from our manufacturing & service facilities around the globe. As a result, quick deliveries are guaranteed.
Please take us to the test; you will not be disappointed!!